What is POYP
Volunteers Make the game 2 of 3

2. What is POYP

Brought to you by the England Netball Youth Advisory Group the ‘Pass on your Passion’ programme aims to recognise the countless number of Young Volunteers in netball. It aims to provide you with opportunities, ideas and rewards to help you on your leadership and volunteering journey. No matter what your role in netball, we want you to Get Involved and Get Recognised.

It’s time to share your passion with other young people, so register now and get volunteering!

Who is it for?
It is for every young person aged 12 – 25 that is actively volunteering in netball whether that’s as a coach, official, committee member, event helper, school team helper…the list is endless!

What are the benefits?
You’ll get rewards once you’ve completed 10, 25, 50, 100, 200 and 400 voluntary hours in netball:

10 hours – England Netball water bottle and certificate
25 hours – Squissle and certificate
50 hours – POYP T-shirt and certificate
100 hours – POYP hoody and certificate
200 hours – £50 England Netball course discount and certificate
400 hours – Trophy presented at the annual Goalden Globe Awards and certificat

How does it work & how do you register ?

Come and have a talk with Our very own Head Coach Ayesha, Who is one of the lead England netball YAG members or you can contact the POYP Team at passonyourpassion@englandnetball.co.uk


pass on your passion form
